Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on my Dormant Blogging-ness!

As you can tell, I have not posted for several months now. that is dues to the fact that I have moved back to AMERICA! And am now settled in. But, while we didn't have a large kitchen, were on vacation, or moving, I was unable to bake. Soooooooo, I have decided to move "Bake a batch of cookies per week and blog about it" resolution to next year. I know, I am not doing a New Year's resolution- but honestly, I never specified that. And next year we will not be moving and travelling as much, so hopefully I can bake 52 different types of cookies. (You know, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound like much.) And they will probably be baked on Weekends, so expect the posts to come every Saturday or Sunday. If something comes up or I do go on vacation, I will try and make it up during the week, but it might turn our to be something like 45 cookies recipes.I also  will try to take and upload picture every week if my computer will allow it... I will also try to find a link to the cookbooks, because I don't want to get bored of typing recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe, after recipe! Whew!So, I will blog next year! PINKIE PROMISE!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Return of A Year in Cookies!! You know, you could do sporadic posts between now and then, for certain special concoctions. Like, say... birthday cakes and welcome home goodies? ; )
