Monday, March 21, 2011

White Chocolate Fudge Bars: Variation

This week, I baked some bars from 500 Cookies entitled White Chocolate Fudge Bars. But, seeing as I can't get white chocolate easily here, I did the variation of using normal chocolate for melting, and butterscotch chips for putting inside the bars.

I found these bars utterly amazing, and I think using butterscotch and normal chocolate made it possibly even better than otherwise. It is especially better if you do not enjoy white chocolate. I highly recommend these, and my fellow family members found them:

Mom: Tasty

Dad: Delicous.

Brother: Edible (just ignore his opinion!)


  1. Those sound delicious!
    I like how you add everyone's verdict at the bottom.
    But you forgot one:

    Molly: -Drools-

    Next time we're on Skype, I will tell you about how I went to the most delicious/famous cupcake shop in DC today. You will be jealous.

  2. Hahaha! Thank you! I can tell I will be jealous when you use famous/delicious and cupcake in the same sentence!
